Architectural design

Architectural design

The main activity of STUDIO PROTASI is architectural design. Luca Protasi  has been working in this field for 15 years, 11 of which as a freelancer and he had the chance to gain significant experience in designing building renovations, but also new buildings, as well as public facilities, also thanks to his work as a freelancer. But Protasi has always believed in teamwork  and in the quality that only a diverse group of specialists can offer; that is why he has often worked on major projects (public and/or private) together with other professionals in the field (Temporary Association with architects, engineers, etc…). The firm focuses mainly on in the implementation of low environmental impact projects  and it tenaciously pursues policies aimed at  the construction or renovation of high ENERGY EFFICIENCY buildings, without losing sight of home comfort (architectural choices, quality, and possibly organic materials, aimed at reducing heat loss, noise etc. …).  In this area, the firm can offer a wide range of solutions and is able to meet all customer requirements.

Studio tecnico Protasi

Registered office:
Via dell’Acquapuzzola 2, Montepulciano (SI), Italy
Operating office:
Via Strada per Chianciano 4, Montepulciano (SI), Italy
VAT: 01290440526

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